Sun and moon gifs

Welcome to my humble artsy fartsy palace! Hope you enjoy the vibrant colors... and maybe the sheer weirdness I injected all over it! ^^

A lilac paint splat
Look! A big colorful star Smaller colorful stars
A purple paint splat A mini drawing of Nina, my mascot
Save them locally on your site files! Do NOT hotlink!

88x31 buttons!

176x31 button!

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Main pages

  • Finish up my about, update the assets and get the dialog content to work properly;
  • Add the final touches to the Blog page, wrapping up the iframe mechanic.
  • Revamp the gallery and organize it like an archive;
  • Set up the cool stuff page, with a jukebox, a space for my blog, game reviews, shrines and whatever else I end up feeling like adding;
  • Set up the CafĂ© at the Cool Stuff page, with the tea quiz, the juice machine and other cute stuff.
  • Finish setting up the OCs page;
  • Set up the stories and projects page (shouldn't be too hard);
  • ACTUALLY finish setting up the links page, with everyone's links;
  • Give the graphics page a facelift, with a better graphics collection and more stuff;
  • Add more resources to the resources page (and give it a facelift);

Future things

  • More interactive pages, specially those that require a point n' click mechanic;
  • Blah blah
  • Flavor text
  • Flavor text

Jun 14, 2022 - The lab was born, and so did my web design journey!

Jun 14, 2022 - The lab was born, and so did my web design journey!

Jun 14, 2022 - The lab was born, and so did my web design journey!

Jun 22(?), 2022 - Pages were set with a very basic structure, painting my header and site button. CSS studies began for good around that!

Jun 15-18, 2022 - Took the time to study HTML and a bit of CSS, learning the ropes.

Jun 14, 2022 - The lab was born, and so did my web design journey!

Scarecat: for all the valuable help on debugging and fixing trickier code, plus all the help on some of my web design ideas. Thank you, Scare!
Midifreak: for the little theme song you composed for me in payment for art, now at the jukebox at the Cool Stuff page! Also hey, your are in my site now :] Thank you, Abby!
Bunfluff: for letting me know of the Flipnote Studio brushes from a DA post, which I used all around my assets ^^ The crusty texturing is pretty awesome! Thank you, Elly!
Lukuak: for telling me about Neocities and inspiring me to make my website! You have a sick website too :] Thank you, Lu!
June: for the fascinating audio player code, used for the jukebox! I never really liked the default ones, I crave my customization. Thank you, June!
And here, I thank everyone who felt like supporting the development of this site, whether by sticking along, commenting something nice in my Neocities feed, or by enjoying the new assets, art and pages. I can't stress how much it means to me, since, well... if it depended on me, I would've given up on all of this.
Last but not least, I must give the most important thanks... I thank God. Without Him, I would be probably depressed, not creating anything else anymore, and just feeling really empty. Life was really rough on me these past years, and for a good while, I wasn't feeling anything out of my own art. I also felt like people didn't care about me, or my art, or whatever else I was trying to tell with my own work. Art was an escapism to life's problems, and when I ran dry on it, I felt like a failure in the world I belonged to. And yet, there was this tug in me that wouldn't let me crash to the ground for good.

It was when I remembered why I made the site in the first place. Mom knew something was up, and asked if I was happy with what I had. I didn't know. She then asked me... "why do you keep going then? You could just not do it anymore if it's not making you happy". But art always gave me some sort of joy, regardless of my mood. I always had this inspiration calling me back to it, at the back of my mind. So then, what was different?

Maybe back then, I didn't care about finding an audience or fit in among others, or maybe I lacked the rush to get a portfolio done for uni. And then it hit me. I didn't make the move to post art or draw to "be seen". And the site did start off as a portfolio, but it was just an art project, for myself, to explore what I could do. There was no pressure on having so many people looking at it. All I wanted was to make something I would like seeing, tell stories I would enjoy experiencing, and do it well, regardless if I belonged in a niche or people liked what I had. Being authetic was always my main thing. And while I don't regret stepping out of some socials, deleting my site would've left a bigger wound, and I know full well I wouldn't forgive myself for it.

...So I got up, and started again, from scratch, with a different outlook. Making things for myself, for fun, but not just to quench my own need to do so. I saw how that went. This time, I acknowledged the light at the end of the tunnel, the reason why art used to bring me joy. And well, I can say my journey is only beginning, and being alive is one blessing I'll forever be grateful for - I wish to live long enough to tell stories and follow my artistic vein. It's in my soul.